
Showing posts from November, 2010

Interview Attire Do’s and Don’ts


Condolences from MBA students Group D 14 of BBU

Condolences from MBA students Group D 14 of BBU  

Say Good-bye to Stress Distress

Say Good-bye to Stress Distress Stress has become a part of our everyday lives, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. In extreme cases, stress can even have an adverse effect on our health. Everyone experiences stressors in their lives, but learning to deal with and reduce stress is the key to a happier, more balanced life. Most employees would think that finding a new job is the solution to their stress problems. However, before you take that step, here’s a list of things to do to try and reduce the stress you face. Have Realistic Expectations : Many people demand too much from themselves and from others. They have completely unreasonable expectations for their lives and they soon find themselves disappointed. If you are getting beat by stress, you may be pushing yourself too hard. Slow down for a while, and make sure that your expectations are in line with your current abilities and resources. If not, tweak your plans and rationalise your expectations. Set