Watch out your temper at Workplace There are often moments at the workplace when employees get angry and lose their cool. The reasons, for the same, may be many but the outcome is the same, leading to low performance, failure in understanding colleagues and an eruption of unknown emotions. And particularly now, with so much stress around this has become a quite commonly felt emotion. So what could be the main cause for the same? There can be numerous causes for the eruption of anger at the workplace, from small petty instances of harassment or abuse, to peer pressure, stress, etc. So what do we do about it, keep sulking or have an emotional burst out?? Not possible- right!! Then try and control it learn it how- For working professionals, it is imperative that they have a pleasant and a positive environment to work in. However, there are times when this very environment becomes sour and uncomfortable, causing disgruntlement and anger. And due to the current scenario and with the moun...