Watch out your temper at Workplace
Watch out your temper at Workplace
There are often moments at the workplace when employees get angry and lose their cool. The reasons, for the same, may be many but the outcome is the same, leading to low performance, failure in understanding colleagues and an eruption of unknown emotions. And particularly now, with so much stress around this has become a quite commonly felt emotion.
So what could be the main cause for the same? There can be numerous causes for the eruption of anger at the workplace, from small petty instances of harassment or abuse, to peer pressure, stress, etc. So what do we do about it, keep sulking or have an emotional burst out?? Not possible- right!! Then try and control it learn it how-
For working professionals, it is imperative that they have a pleasant and a positive environment to work in. However, there are times when this very environment becomes sour and uncomfortable, causing disgruntlement and anger. And due to the current scenario and with the mounting pressure to perform better amongst the ever-increasing cut-throat competition, there seems to be a rise in unsettling emotions, including anger at work. And the result is hampered productivity, disturbed teamwork, etc., among other outcomes.
How harmful it can be?
Anger builds up inside when expression is curbed. Most people don’t have the tact to relate their problems, in an effective yet non-heated manner, and to prevent an outburst, employees bottle up their resentments.
Anger at work can be caused due to various reasons including issues with the boss, colleague, personal issues, etc. Unfortunately, stress at work has become the norm rather than an exception. Today, it is not enough for you to know the job; it is imperative that you are successful at it too
Though it is very natural to have varied emotions at work, the impact of every emotion is different. Anger, specifically can have drastic impacts on your professional life. Anger clouds perception and is known to fail intelligence, of an individual as well as of an organization.
Anger at work, if not addressed properly, can prove to be highly counter productive. It not only impacts the individual’s morale but also the performance, team dynamics and the work environment.
Deal with it – So how do you deal with this emotion at work? What is the best way to avoid such feelings?
1. Avoid Bumpy situations and discussions- The best way to control anger at the workplace is to walk away from uncomfortable discussions. It does not mean putting off the issue. It is always better to have discussions and confrontations when you are not in an agitated frame of mind.
2.Third party intervention- When you feel a bout of anger coming, try to calm down. Once you have calmed down, return with a more rational mind to discuss what went wrong and seek a solution, if possible. If you still can’t see eye-to-eye, get a third person to help you.
3.Communicate properly – It is important to learn how to communicate effectively, as it can help one solve anger issues. Losing ones temper is useless, as it does not get you anywhere.
So next time you think you are about to lose your cool, breathe, calm down and let the moment pass, as anger can get you nowhere, but out! Tips for anger management:
>> TIP 1 Try counting to ten before saying anything. This may not address the anger directly, but it can minimize the damage you will do while angry. You may have heard this before from lay man to celebrities- they all use it.
>> TIP 2 Learn to relax. This is easier said than done sometimes, but if you find something that calms you, like listening to music, talking to your kids etc., it is a good way to keep your anger under control, and a good way to maintain a calm environment in an angry situation.
>> TIP 3 Laugh. Think of something funny and laugh out loud. It is very difficult to be angry when you are laughing.
>> TIP 4 Stop and think before you speak and leave any sarcasm out of the conversation.
So get set and fight your anger, be happy in this new year and stay healthy. :)
Source: Cite Man Network